Managing Stress and Anxiety Due to COVID-19

Managing Stress and Anxiety Due to COVID-19

Worldwide, the COVID-19 pandemic has led to significant changes in people’s lives. Moreover, this pandemic has also led to widespread anxiety and stress among countless individuals. During this time of uncertainty, how can you stay grounded and manage the stress and anxiety that accompanies this pandemic?

Ways to Manage Stress and Anxiety During the COVID-19 Pandemic

1. Begin By Acknowledging Your Emotions

It is impossible to manage the way we feel if we are not aware of our feelings in the first place. Begin by taking some deep breaths and checking in with how you are feeling. Are you feeling tense? Agitated? Nervous? Take a few minutes to write down whatever thoughts or feelings are coming up for you. There is no right or wrong way to feel, so try to acknowledge your emotions without any judgement or any intention to change them.

2. Limit Your Media Exposure

Social media is notorious for spreading information like wildfire. However, this information is not always accurate, and can lead to serious misinformation being spread. This news, while untrue, can lead to panic. During this time, be sure to limit your exposure to the media. Turn off your devices for a bit and just allow yourself to check out. When on social media, be intentional about the information that you are taking in. Moreover, during this time, refer to the CDC or the WHO for accurate information about COVID-19 and associated statistics.

3. Find Things to Do to Relax

With many of us working from home, it is so important to find things to do during our day that helps us relax. Be sure to prioritize self-care by setting aside time each day to do something that you find relaxing. If you are having a hard time thinking of any self-care practices, check out our blog about ways to practice self-care at home to get some ideas.

4. Stay Connected to Your Loved Ones

Especially during these times when we are encouraged to stay home, it can be easy to feel really isolated. Make it a priority to keep in contact with your loved ones during this time. If you live with others, spend some time with them each day. Or if you live alone, pick up the phone and call someone!

5. Consider Your Gratitudes

It can feel difficult to think about the things that you are grateful for during times of serious stress. However, focusing our minds on the positive can help us to feel better overall. Start by writing down just three things that you are grateful for, and try to be as specific as possible. These things can be big or small, it doesn’t matter. Keep trying to write down your gratitudes each day to put more focus on the positive things in life.

6. Reach Out for Help

You are not alone in what you are experiencing. It is completely normal to feel stressed or anxious during these times. At Hudson Therapy, we are making it our priority to ensure that we are available to help support others during these uncertain times. We are now offering telehealth, so we can continue therapy while in-person sessions are not an option. Reach out to us to learn more about getting started. If you are in an immediate crisis, text in to the Crisis Text Line at 741-741 to get immediately connected to a certified crisis counselor.