Easy Going, Relatable & Friendly

Therapists for Children and Adults


You deserve to have a therapist who gets you.

You’re up late at night, Googling therapists in your neighborhood

You’ve got 10 tabs open in your browser

Scrolling through outdated, pastel colored therapist websites covered with acronyms that don’t mean anything to you

You just want someone who gets it, who’s not going to waste your time and who’s going to be real with you

You’re ready for your search for a therapist to be over, and we’re ready to help you make that happen.

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Our Mission

To make therapy more approachable than ever, so that more people can get good help.

We know what it's like because we've been there. We're normal, relatable people just like you, and we get it.

We have a process to help you get unstuck and move forward in your life. We’re committed to providing therapy that works.

We promise for therapy to not feel scary. We promise to be real with you, to provide a simple process for problems that may, at first, feel complex.

Getting started is easy: just click here, and get connected with a counselor who can help.

down-to-earth, easy to relate to, calm, and approachable.
— Current Client

Meet Our Therapists

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